Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Immediate HIV Treatment is Key!

HIV is now a treatable medical condition and most treated people remain fit and well. HIV Advocates is an HIV awareness oriented enterprise that contributes to evoke global consciousness in the form of news, experiences, and schemes to highlight different programs and movements for the cause of helping individuals struggling with HIV/AIDS. With proper treatment, being HIV-positive is a manageable, chronic condition like lupus, diabetes, or asthma.
It is important to remember that when you are first diagnosed with HIV, that you do not have AIDS. There is usually a time lag of several years between first being infected with HIV and subsequently developing infections and other AIDS-related problems. This is because it usually takes several years for the number of CD4 T cells to reduce to a level where your immune system is weakened. Early treatment can reduce the chance of this happening even further.  
It’s vital that you monitor your health closely and speak with your doctor about changes that need to be made to your diet, exercise regimen, and use of alcohol, prescription medicines, and recreational drugs.  You may tire more easily, be more prone to infections, or have medical side effects you didn’t have before. But hands down, the biggest change in your daily routine will be taking medication. HIV medication requires strict adherence to the prescribed daily dosage, and the drugs often have (mostly minor) side effects. Follow HIV Advocates on Facebook and help make social change “go viral” to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic!

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