Wednesday, January 28, 2015

These Books-Turned-Into-Oscar-Award-Winning-Movies Are Available At Dymocks Sai Kung

Riddle, riddle…what are great companions by the bedside, during lazy, rainy days and even when you travel? Books, of course! When you read books, your brain gets that dose of energy, like a light bulb, like a spark, like a switch. When you read, you feel like you’re transported to another dimension! Plus, the feel and smell of the pages of a book? Nothing like it!
To get your reading journey going, Dymocks Sai Kung has stocked up on great book ideas. In fact, these books are so good that they’ve been turned into movies. And not just movies, Oscar Award-winning movies! You can’t go wrong with this selection:

1. Guest Cat by Takashi Hiraide, ISBN 9781447279402 - this is a heartwarming novel about a visiting cat who brings joy into a couple’s life in Tokyo. This won in Japan’s Kiyama Shohei Literary Awards and is a certified bestseller in France.

2. Unbroken MTI by Laura Hillenbrand, ISBN 9780007580576 - Angelina Jolie acts as both producer and director of the movie version of this book, which follows the life of Olympian and war hero Louis Zamperini.

3. Wild MTI by Cheryl Strayed, ISBN 9781782394877 - if Oprah Winfrey herself called this as “thought provoking” and “soul enhancing,” then it really must be good! Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail is a 2012 memoir by American author Cheryl Strayed, describing her 1,100-mile hike on the Pacific Crest Trail in a journey of self-discovery.

You may also want to ask the friendly Dymocks Sai Kung staff about Everything I Never Told you by Celeste Ng, Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey and If I Stay. You simply cannot miss these bestsellers!

Visit Dymocks Sai Kung at 7 Man Nin Street, Sai Kung, New Territories, Hong Kong. Call +852 2791 9110 for inquiries.

Dymocks Sai Kung is a local community bookstore in the New Territories with a wide range of English books plus a fine selection of German titles.

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