Thursday, April 17, 2014

Capture Online Conversations About Your Brand With JamiQ

A lot of companies and brands’ online marketing strategies have changed and will still continue to change, with social media marketing being at the forefront of their plans. This is to be expected, however. After all, social media marketing has proven its worth in terms of attracting new customers, engaging existing ones and solidifying their online presence. However, given the vastness of the Internet, is it even possible to capture all online feedback, engagement and conversations about your brand? With the help of JamiQ, this is totally possible!


JamiQ uses the world's best search engines, APIs, RSS feeds, and specially built web crawlers to monitor the social media world - and they even do this in real-time. Blogs, forums, microblogs, social networks, news sites, video sites and more will be monitored by JamiQ. This means you can detect any kind of sentiment about your brand or company on the fly. This then allows you to craft and post a reaction that’s suitable for such sentiment.

The best thing about this Monitor Everything feature? JamiQ can also monitor the diverse and multilingual Asian social media. No need to search and check each and every website that may have a topic about your brand or company. No need to learn each and every Asian language just to decipher customers’ sentiments. JamiQ’s Monitor Everything feature will do that all for you. How is that for efficiency?

To get the help of JamiQ, be sure to visit

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