Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Save and Savour with Starbucks Coupons!

What could you possibly love more than your venti white chocolate macchiato at Starbucks? How about your awesomely fun, hip, and ludicrously affordable wireless provider, one2free? Oh yeah. Lucky for you, you get to have both of your favorite things all at once, all together, with one2free’s latest initiative: Starbucks Coupons for everyone, available through your o2f Playground app!

Sure, we know, it sounds way too good to be true! But it’s true! All you have to do is keep your eyes peeled for special Christmas images across our communications in newspapers, magazines, outdoor, online Christmas ads, one2free shop displays and Facebook from now to 1 January, 2014. Once you’ve found one, just fire up your Playground app, then scan the image, and BOOM, crazy Starbucks savings of $25 will be yours.  Oh, sweet venti white chocolate macchiato, soon you will be mine!

And if for some reason, you haven’t downloaded Playground yet, what are you waiting for? You love fun, and we bring you all the fun you desire. Indulge your inner child with all the great new games and fun activities, and placate the adult in you with the promise of real-world rewards and up-to-date connection and device offers from your favorite wireless service provider, One2Free, as well as great coupons like this one for Starbucks!

PLAYGROUND download: http://ow.ly/l5iT3

Funographer download: http://ow.ly/nS4qP

one2free official website:  http://one2free.hkcsl.com

one2free facebook page: www.facebook.com/one2freefans

one2free Sina Weibo page: http://e.weibo.com/One2FreeHongKong

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