Saturday, September 21, 2013

Why Making Music Matters to Your Toddler


It’s no secret that making music is super fun. But did you know that making music also benefits your toddler? Find out why making music with your child matters, and how you can explore music more with SPRING Hong Kong.

Music is Educational
Making music gets kids moving, and all children learn through movement. This helps your child refine their motor skills, balance, and muscle development. Some studies also suggest that music stimulates the parts of the brain that are associated with reading, math, and emotional development. Research also suggests that making music helps children remember more by stimulating different patterns of brain development.

Music is Fun
Making music helps your child develop socially. Playing in a band or orchestra allows a child to learn how to work in a team and take turns. An interest in music also gives children an opportunity to relate to other children on the playground, in class, or in band. Music is a great friendship starter! Making music also helps your bond better with your little one through time spent dancing, singing, and being silly together.

Now you know music is beneficial, but how do you get started? Singing while doing everyday activities like cleaning, cooking, or getting ready is a good start. Make up a song to go along with daily chores to make the activity more fun and memorable for your toddler. Introduce your child to your favorite tunes to build a stronger connection and to teach them to fall in love with their own favorites. To develop rhythm, sing songs without words by using your hands, feet, tongue, and everyday objects around the house. Take time to dance and get silly with your child, and don’t forget to have fun!

Do you incorporate music at home? Tell us in the comments below how you and your toddle like to make music.

For more advice, tips, and more, visit SPRING online. Parents and carers are invited to come check out SPRING and say hello to the team. Discovery Classes are available to see what SPRING has to offer first-hand. Course descriptions are available for each programme.

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