Thursday, January 31, 2013

Homemade Mochi Delights

Almost 5 years ago, Yo Mama’s frozen yogurt has opened the doors for dessert lovers in Hong Kong to indulge in sweets without the guilt. Low in calories, virtually fat free, cholesterol free, and loaded with super+ probiotics exclusive to Yo Mama, these are only some of the reasons to give into Yo Mama froyo.  With a wide range of strangely-addictive frozen yogurt flavours and fresh toppings, Yo Mama can satisfy any dessert craving.

Since the introduction of our Homemade Mochi as toppings, customers can’t enough of this tasty treat. When we first opened, we couldn’t find mochi yummy enough for Yo Mama, so we decided to get our in-house food scientist to develop a great recipe for us to make it in-store.  Since then, it’s been one of our all-time bestsellers. Now we’ve branched out into flavours adding to the plain favorite: green tea and sesame.

Our 3 mochi flavours: plain, green tea and sesame mochi are available at our 9 locations today!

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