Networking is one of the most effective ways to expand your influence. The more professionals that know you, the higher your chance of being offered a promising job opportunity. Walking into a room full of strangers can be daunting, so how do smartpeople network effectively? has some easy tips to get you started.
A quick introduction is key to effective networking. recommends that you prepare an elevator speech - a quick introduction in 15 seconds or less. Include your name, current profession, and why you are excited to be at the event. End your speech with a question to keep the conversation going. "How about you?" always does the trick.
Attending an event is only the first step. Create a clear goal to achieve by the end of the event. The easiest objective would be to get a specific number of name cards by the end of the event. Start with a small number, and build up your goal from there.
Acting smart is also important in developing connections. Be polite, attentive, and listen. Ask questions to get more details and always make eye contact. has other great tips on body language in the professional world.
Name cards are one of the most effective ways to make your name stick in a new contact’s mind. In a culture as diverse as Hong Kong, recommends having one side of your name card printed in Chinese and the opposite side in English. Make sure to have updated and accurate contact information on your name card.
After the event, hop on the internet and follow up by sending the people you met an invite to connect on LinkedIn, following them on Twitter, and subscribing to their blogs. Always be sure to remain in their radar in a respectful, non-intrusive manner.
Networking effectively takes time and practice. As your network grows, you’ll find yourself face-to-face with your dream career before you know it.
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