Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Yes, you too can be a video star!

With the advent of the digital era, more and more people now want to maximize the power of technology, the Internet and related resources in order to promote their clients, their businesses, their skills or even themselves! Not a surprise, actually, considering that a lot of people have experienced fame and even fortune just because they posted a blog entry somewhere, posted a really nice photo or come up with a video that has all the makings of a viral hit.

Just take the case of this video by Peter Rixham, a self-confessed medieval history specialist who also happens to love cooking and food. In the video, which can be accessed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHZLbLdxuTw, Peter shared his love and passion for medieval history. He talked about exactly why he loved it and what fascinated him about it. He even went around asking people about certain medieval characters and other interesting trivia. As a result, people saw how much of an expert he was and how much he just loved the topic. That helped concretize Peter’s expertise, not to mention fervent passion, over medieval history. He has, in many aspects, turned into a video star!

Peter’s video is a clear indication that not only is it easy and advisable to share your talents, skills and knowledge about a certain issue through the power of the Internet, it is also a great and fun way to interact with others and be a video star in your own right. Everyone can be a video star - all it takes is a cam, an Internet connection, your knowledge and a smile!

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