Monday, June 28, 2010


自出娘胎我就係大家所講o既"毛孩", 體毛比較多,特別係手同腳..由細俾人笑到大! 唉, 你估我想架咩..阿媽生成我咁都冇辦法。
以前細個 都冇乜點理, 到而家大個就梗係越黎越貪靚(試問有邊個女仔唔係丫!),再者我自細就好怕著短裙短褲, 免得自暴其短嘛, 但夏天又會同成班friend去沙灘呀, 遊船河咁..唉, 都咪話唔尷尬!
其實自己都心郁郁想去做激光脫毛, 不過又怕會好痛又怕做得唔好會留疤喎! 我同我男朋友講佢話我無聊, 仲話自然咪幾好囉! 不過同佢一齊耐其實我發現佢好鐘意留意d又白又滑o既女仔, 唉, d男人永遠都係咁, 成日叫個女朋友唔洗整咁靚, 自己又走去望靚女, 激死!

早排約o左班舊同學出o黎gathering, 嘩! GiGi(想當年同我一樣成身毛!)成個唔同晒, 皮光肉滑! 我梗係第一時間去問佢搞咩黎啦, 原來個衰妹走o左去做激光脫毛喎。激光脫毛o係日本就興o左好多年, 又估唔到完來港女都咁buy!
佢話都係聽個同事介紹去o左銅鑼灣間華洋坊度做, 過程唔痛之餘又由美容師同執業醫生操刀(佢仲話個醫生幾靚仔..哈哈!)。

前排奧斯卡頒獎禮, Mo’Nique對飛毛腿真係嚇死人!

呂慧儀展示ROXY's Bikini最新系列
呂慧儀就唔同喇, 真係又白又滑呀, 著bikini都冇有怕!

於是..上個禮拜我就鼓起勇 氣上o左去華洋坊度激光 脫毛喇!

首先醫生幫我進行皮膚分析, 話要因應返我皮膚特質去選擇唔同儀器同方法! 之後就由美容師用玫瑰油洗面奶(好香!)幫我做深層清潔。之 後美容師再幫我搽麻醉藥膏, 再等20-30分鐘等d藥滲透(開始有d驚..)。終於到入正題(好驚呀!), 由許醫生(哈哈, 真係幾靚仔喎!)幫我進行激光脫毛, 原來個過程又真係唔多痛。最後就由美容師幫我搽返d舒緩液, 醫生仲提我做完treatment後一星期盡量避免陽光同埋一定要記得用防曬, 更加唔可以用含維他命A/果酸產品或做其他換膚療程

而家做完個treatment成個禮拜..哈, 從來都未試過咁滑..真係好鬼開心呀! 尋日美容師仲打過黎follow up添, 又幾細心喎!

姊妹們如果有興趣做激光脫毛可以考慮下華洋坊啦! 係喎, 提提你以下幾點:
1. 療程之前4個禮拜內唔好曝曬、拔毛同埋蜜臘 脫毛
2. 療程前
3. 療程前2日自己用剃刀剃下d毛先, 效果會好好多架

Angus's Beauty Concept 華洋坊: 銅鑼灣謝斐道482號信諾環球保險中心23 樓 2186 6111

第六屆 香港國際寵物用品展暨水族博覽 (PETEXPO2010 - AWE)

作者:Mavis Fan

我十分喜歡寵物,特別是狗,我覺得狗懂得聆聽主人的心事,而且服從性高開 心的時候牠會擺著尾巴與你分享快樂失落的時候牠也會靜靜的待在你身邊最近於SOUTV的頻道看到2007年的國際寵物用品展心血來朝立刻上網搜 尋一下發現第六屆香港國際寵物用品展暨水族博覽》PetExpo20102010 年 7 月 30日 – 8月1日香港國際機場的亞洲國際博覽館舉辦

本展覽是本港最大、最專業及最具影響力的寵物用品和水族商貿平台,更是本港寵物界的盛事。預計三天展期將匯聚150家參展 商;12萬人次進場參觀;展位將達380個。

PetExpo的目標是為 世界各地的寵物用品和水族業界提供一個有效的商貿平臺,為此,主辦單位 積極邀請更多國內及海外的專業買家到場參觀,為與會者提供一個舒適寬敞的展會環境,並引入更多嶄新元素,例如同場舉辦專業狗展、貓展、寵物剪毛及美容專業 賽等,以提高是次展會的專業性和質素。

PetExpo的 展覽範圍包括寵物食品及用品。水族及其食品、用品、藥品、觀賞魚漁場、水草、造景庭園。還有寵物美容護理、訓練、繁殖、寄養及領養服務獸醫診所、寵物酒店、餐廳、攝影、運輸、保險及善終服務和昆蟲、新奇流行另類寵物。

他們有很多相關活動例如:NASA寵物美容師評核試 暨 國際寵物美容大賽、2010 NASA 狗狗創意造型設計慈善 SHOW第 109屆服從比賽第159, 160屆全犬種冠軍狗展亦有第1屆星級寵物染毛造型大賽,是次活動旨在透過舉辦同類比賽,促進寵物業界同業之交流,從而提高寵物美容及造型設計之技術水平。 更能使行外人仕加深對寵物造型之認識,令寵物美容之專業資格得到各界之認同。

是次是 香港比較大型的寵物展覽,愛寵物的你當然不可以錯過



Sunday, June 27, 2010

Scanmail 10K Electronic Mail Scanner: Achieve Security in Your Mails

Scanmail 10K Electronic Mail Scanner is a great device to use in protecting yourself from various threats that may come along with your mails. This mail scanner is one of the useful products of Scanna distributed by Manifest Marketing, Hong Kong.

Asia Regional Sales Manager at Manifest Marketing John Hirsch explains, "A single mail can be a threat in your life. Nowadays, a lot of fatal devices such as explosives and razor blades can be sent through a mail. If you will not be cautious of your security, you can be possibly harmed with these threats once you have opened a threat letter."For this reason, obtaining a mail scanner can be a good device in detecting any harmful items within your mails. Scanmail 10K Electronic Mail Scanner by Scanna is great to consider, as it is a portable yet effective mail scanner device popular in the market. It is equipped with the following features:

Accuracy in Scanning Threats

Scanmail 10K Electronic Mail Scanner can detect materials used for making bombs such as timers, circuits, batteries and detonators. It can also detect sharp cutting devices like razor blades. But still, the mail scanner will not detect paper clips, staples and tags as harmful threats. This is different from the ordinary mail scanners around, making it remarkable above the rest.

Easy to Use

Scanmail 10K Electronic Mail Scanner is portable and can be placed in the top of your desk. The structural design is user-friendly so it is simple to use. Upon using it for your letters, no calibration is needed so you can readily use it. It can also automatically detect suspicious objects but there are no false alarms for paper clips and staples. The device doesn’t require constant maintenance, but in case that it needs spare part replacements a backup circuit and batteries are also provided. On the other hand, whenever the battery runs out of power, the device is easy to charge-up as the batteries are rechargeable.

The Mail Scanner’s Structural Design

Scanmail 10K Electronic Mail Scanner is structurally made as a portable device, so it is easy and convenient to use. It has a display screen that measures up to 6 cm, about the size of telephone directories. The overall design of this mail scanner is also user-friendly, so you will not have problems in using it your own mails.

The mentioned features of Scanmail 10K Electronic Mail Scanner are helpful to know in coming up with the right decision. The mail scanner can be used either alone or along with an x-ray machine for both personal and commercial uses. In using it to the mails you have received, it will not damage any camera film and magnetic media included within the letter so it is generally safe to use.

To know more details about Scanmail 10K Electronic Mail Scanner from Scanna ,kindly visit their distributor in Asia, Manifest Marketing in Facebook and Twitter to get the latest updates.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


作者: Frek Cheung (香港)

香 港一年一度的主要旅遊展覽會, 為國際旅遊業界提供平台,促進各方的交流及發展的香港國際旅遊展已於上星期(六月十至十三日)在灣仔會議展覽中心順 利舉行。
參展商來自全球46個國家及地區,而其中16個位於亞 洲,13個歐洲,5個中東而其餘來自非洲,美洲及大洋洲共625
今屆大會仍能吸引更多專業及公眾觀眾,公眾入 場更比去年增加了7%達68900人次而業界人數增長亦有2%達11484人次人數不跌反升。可見在環 球經濟不明朗的情況下旅 遊業仍然相當吃香。

各個國家的展館除了介紹它們最新和特色主 題旅遊如郵輪、溫泉及水療、高球、滑雪、潛水等外亦提供很多不同折扣優惠吸引消費者。
大會亦安排了多個地方的民族舞表演、 現場抽獎活動、「$1拍賣」活動和近二十個不同主題的業界講座。

今屆更新增一個圍繞生態保育旅遊主題館,即香港的地質公園。 這些世界級地質景區位於 香港幾個地區,香港漁農自然護理署(漁護署)將聯同香港這幾個區的議會合力組織這個展團。 同期展出的還將 有一些本土文化和旅遊設施。 因此香港也將有兩個展團,另外一個是由香港旅遊發展局組織 的。

節目如此豐富不 但令你吸收世界各地最新的旅遊資訊外又有機會贏取大獎熱 愛旅遊的你下屆香港國際 旅遊展又怎能錯過?


與 我聯絡:

Social Media: In Sickness and in Health?

(Josie Tao, Hong Kong)

Social Media is Fun and Games

Social media is about having funsharing your new photos from the junkboat trip, commenting on your besties new outfit on her profile picture. So what happens when you are not living like a rockstar and feeling more like rock bottom? How does Social Media measure up?

A Dedication
Vienna, a woman in her early 20s, have been in and out of the hospital for SLE (Lupus) more times than she can count on her fingers and toes combined in the past few years.

Although she is in serious conditions (an attack left her in a coma for days and in the hospital for months, recently she has had 2 epilepsy in 2 weeks), we slowly learnt that Vienna is actually one of the luckier ones with Lupus in the hospital. Only a few beds away, Jennifer* has been in a coma for 2 months after a fatal attack caused by Lupus. While another woman in the same wing is confined to isolation —her skin is so inflammed and in such poor condition it will be easily infected from airborne germs.

(Yup, LupusOrg is following LadyGaGa, who revealed she tested for Lupus just a couple weeks ago)

Finding support: Online and Offline
Vienna is the kind of woman that can make anybody laugh. Very quickly, she became the nurses’ favourite for her positive outlook and energy. One day, one of the nurses came up to her and goes, “it will be really good if you can talk to Jennifer’s mom, she is having a very difficult time dealing with all of this.”

I can tell both Vienna and Jennifer’s family find relief in talking about her disease with other families going through the same thing—but not everybody in this position is 1) quite as open or 2) get to meet other people going through the same experience. And if the ultimate goal of digital media is to connect with other people and to share your experience, how will it measure it in the time of crisis, sadness and sickness?

Can digital media Band (us) Together?
With Women between 20-50 being most at risk, it is not surprising that developed by Lupus Foundation of America is very digital forward. While visitors may choose to donate online, the website also lists all a variety off offline donation and volunteering options. Connected to a Facebook,twitter, youtube, blog and myspace, LFA is the most interactive and informative assocation for Lupus online. The facebook page has an active discussion board while their website has a Q and A blogpost every month with Doctors that specialize in treating Lupus called “15 questions with”. Each month, visitors to their website submit questions on a specified condition of Lupus.

Asia High Tech Security Gadget for Your Investigative Ears

(Hong Kong, June 2010)

Clear communication through the rustle and bustle in Asia

The smallest ear receiver in the world - Phonak Invisity RF receiver has distributed in Asia by Manifest Marketing Hong Kong. It is built for one way communications often applied in negotiation, investigation, and interrogation wherein you don’t need to talk back only to listen to instructions and directions without appearing obvious in doing so. It is quite small –thus, the name “invisity”-, has high acoustic level, programmable and goes with a handheld remote control. It’s a wonder of a device that fits right in your ear for a clear one-way communication (within 7MHz) and gives you freedom to physically respond in any situation. The good thing about the earpiece is that it ensures comfort to the wearer.

Invisity RF receiver

Phonak Invisity for event management

I’ve further learned that Phonak Invisity RF receiver comes in three different models: invisity fix with one fixed frequency, invisity flex with one channel and reprogrammable frequency and the invisity 4 channels with (as the name implies) 4 channels, reprogrammable frequencies and a remote control. John Hirsch of Manifest Marketing Asia explains, "Phonak Invisity fix is the most user friendly model out there for one way communication".The Invisity flex offers one reprogrammable channel (within 7MHz) which can be done by your dealer or by you, using the Invisity Programming Unit (IPU). The Phonak Invisity that was shown to me is the Invisity 4 channels with the waterproof, flip to open remote that is simultaneously programmed with the RF receiver and the Phonak Invisity Programming Unit (IPU) that can be installed in any Windows operated computer. The IPU could show the previous stored data when an invisity model or remote control is inserted (a USB cable is given with the kit. This high-tech security gadget is advisable to use in cases where inconspicuousness is a must without feeling like you need to reach and scratch the insides of your ear the whole time you’re in the process of interrogating or doing an activity that needs unnoticeable one-way communication. Casinos, my friend added uninhibitedly, have a number of rooms where security personnel conduct interview and interrogations as well as house the CCTV for video/audo monitoring. They usually make use of Phonak Invisity RF receiver to subtly communicate with the interrogator inside the room while remaining outside to observe.

While learning more about Phonak Invisity RF receiver, I’ve realized that it’s also used by celebrities and TV personalities in Asia who are performing onstage or broadcasting the news. It gives them the ability to receive prompts and important instructions without going down the stage and talking to the actual person. It helps to achieve an easy flowing program. If you’re interested to learn more about Phonak Invisity earpiece, you should visit Manifest Marketing. Experts on the product will help you and answer necessary questions about the product.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Asia Security: High-Tech Covert Video Recording by Manifest Marketing

FlashBack-3 miniature covert digital recorder is state-of the-art equipment that is small in size extremely useful and powerful. Available in Asia from Manifest Marketing, FlashBack-3 miniature convert digital recorder is the obvious choice even for the most demanding covert video surveillance operations.It’s an innovative product from Ovations Systems that offers features like video and dual audio inputs with monitor outputs, external record switches and triggers, USB ports, Ethernet interface, built-in programmable camera power supply with 5, 9 or 12 volts, internal Knowles microphone with an internal battery. The product makes use of the H.264 video compression referred to as Advanced Video Codec (AVC) which is the codec used by Blu-ray. Hong Kong based security and communications hardware expert John Hirst who is currently with Manifest Marketing explains, " What is so good about Flashback-3 miniature covert digital recorder is that it provides you with more than an hour of record time with full resolution, high-quality video and audio. By utilizing the configurable time-lapse mode, you can still increase the recording time. "

Another stunning feature of FlashBack-3 miniature covert digital recorder is its ability to be manipulated and configured via Ethernet connection. It has a user web page interface for controlling the video. The only thing you need to do is to plug it to a PC through the Ethernet port and apply power to the device. Moreover, it can both record in high resolution and stream the video over the net. Flashback-3 miniature covert video recorder is available in single SD card slot and dual SD card slots. FlashBack-3 with the single SD card slot is more compact with the necessary features (i.e. local and remote record switch with vibration feedback, programmable camera power, USB and Ethernet interfaces through an adapter, Knowles microphone) still intact. The dual FlashBack-3 on the other hand, has two SD card slots for an increased record time and an Ethernet port. An added feature to the dual FlashBack-3 is that it supports Power over Ethernet where the recorder and the associated cameras can work with just one cable connection.

Experts on FlashBack-3 miniature covert digital recorder are available to answer your inquiries at Manifest Marketing, Hong Kong. Visit the website and learn more about the product.

Friday, June 18, 2010


醫學美容相信姊姊們一定聽過. 近年激光/注射式美容更加係受女性之間不可缺少新話題,好多人都會貪佢唔洗開刀做手術都有差唔多o既效果,但係你有冇諗過如果唔小心選擇的話會好容易出事呢?




而香港鐳射醫學會會長兼眼科專科醫生陳偉民更指出而家買激光、彩光儀器係非常容易又唔洗申報,一般冇受過訓練o既人都可以購買及操作儀器,如果女士們幫襯一o的冇合資格醫生o既美容院,意外風險係非常大同時又冇保障。根據保妥適(Botox) o既官方網頁指出,注射保妥適係必須經醫生處方才能購買同使用。




Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Asia Hi-Tech Communication: Crowd Control Device

Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), a regional hub with worldwide connections, is a gateway to China. Everyday the HKIA provides first class efficiency for the millions of passengers that arrive and depart everyday. Manifest Marketing, may have the answer to this----a company that specifies in communications, surveillance and security equipment, Manifest Marketing carries a product lines from LRAD Corporation, called the Long Range Acoustic Device. The device most applicable to commercial and private settings is the LRAD 500X. Used for commercial security, Perimeter Security public safety and wildlife preservation, especially in those areas like airports and runways, mining pits, vineyard and agricultural areas, and wind turbines.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane
LRAD can be manually operated or integrated into remotely controlled command and control centers. The avian radar system locates birds entering control zones and then activates LRAD to humanely deter birds from flying or landing within these restricted areas.

Piracy threats for Shipping and Trading across Asia

Protecting high-value assets against piracy threats requires a military-tested shipboard protection device. The Long Range Acoustic Device® (LRAD®) has been successfully used against piracy threats since the Seabourn Spirit incident off the coast of Somalia in November 2005.

After eight (8) years and 40-Million US Dollar investment, LRAD products like that of LRAD 500X proves to be more than 80% effective of the time in terms of security, search and rescue and wildlife conservation.

Crowd Control at Events and Exhibitions
The superior voice intelligibility and clarity of LRAD 500X provides a high quality beam that achieves maximum sound projection and penetration beyond 2000 meters. LRAD 500X operators have the ability to issue clear, authoritative verbal commands, followed with powerful deterrent tones for crowd control or deterrence. The extended frequency range of LRAD 500X also ensures that voice commands will be clearly understood.

Aside from American Technology Corporation (ATC)’s LRAD 500X, it has wide range of products for different use. For more details, visit Manifest Marketing.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Secure Macau 2010: Casinos adopt handheld metal detectors

The summer holidays have finally arrived and one of the foremost destination for a weekend getaway in Asia is definitely Macau. Situated just a quick ferry ride from Hong Kong, Macau is known as the Asian Las Vegas. The sudden rush of visitors during the summer holiday means that Casinos and Hotels will have a more difficult time managing crowds. Manifest Marketing has released a collection of products that has long been a must have for large casinos in Las Vegas, and is very quickly being adopted in Macau. This company, which has been operating for more than a decade, is covering specialty communication equipments and security products intended for law enforcement and security professionals.

Recently, reportors having been criticizing in the media about the lack of security at the South Africa World Cup 2010. As published in AP June 14th 2010, "Someone walks through a metal detector and the buzzer sounds. Smiling guards wave him forward without making him empty his pockets or even explain why the alarm might have gone off. That scene, unthinkable at an airport terminal, has been repeated many times at several stadiums in the first days of the World Cup. With the attention of billions of soccer fans, the monthlong event hosted by South Africa could be a tempting target for terrorists."

This is definitely not the scene you will encounter when you walk through casinos in Las Vegas and Macau today. One of the most notable product from Manifest Marketing's casino collection is the Portable Walk-Through Metal Detector called MScope by Fisher Labs. MScope is one of the most flexible walk-through metal detectors because of its portability. Manifest Marketing's rep John Hirsch explains, "MScope can be transported like a suitcase by a single person and can be assembled or disassembled in no time." MScope is an intelligent aid in security upkeep that it offers the same sensitivity of any fixed metal detector with the use of its built-in battery. And since MScope is portable, it can operate in remote and extreme, locations and conditions effectively. MScope accessories are also available like that of handheld weapons detector, floor mats that provides “footprints” and a pop-up shelter.

Check out more information at Manifest Marketing's Facebook page

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Casino Essentials 101: How do Casinos Stay Secure and Protected

Casino – the word is synonymous with money and gambling. For the rich and famous, this is the perfect place to have fun and socialize, where chance and luck meet and opportunity is mixed with risk. Security and safety is everything for the world’s top casinos. Being a hot spot for crime, casinos are using the latest hi-tech gadgets and software to counter agents attempting to take advantage of the odds. Manifest Marketing Limited helps casinos across Asia to ensure maximum protection and to prevent crime at first class casino and hotel.

It is no coincidence that top establishments like the Sands Hotel and Casino in Macau trust Manifest Marketing with their quest for the perfect security and crime prevention systems. With partners around the world, Manifest Marketing is your partner in security and communication for the professional.

So how do casinos stay secure and protected these days? They must keep up with advances in personal technology by staying ahead with professional equipment.

Communication is difficult in crowded casinos. Noise generated from slot machines and human voices cheering and laughing make secure communication difficult to achieve. That is why Phonak, the world’s leader in wireless earpieces and intelligent hearing protection, introduces the Profilo. Profilo’s is immune to electro-magnetic interference giving better, clearer communication lines.

Metal detection expert Fisher Research Laboratories comes up better with the new hi-tech M-Scope portable walk-through metal detector. With these easy to install portable metal detectors, casinos are more prepared and flexible to the needs of the moment. It’s light weight structure enables easy storage, and the whole set-up may take only 5 minutes. The system works great for events and activities requiring heavy protection and security.

These and many other hi-tech products and services guarantee security and protection in the casino or hotel. At Manifest Marketing Limited, security is our priority. And our number client is you. For the most updated information on MM devices visit our fanpage on Facebook or follow us on . So, if you are still wonderhow casinos stay secure and protected? Think again. You have just found the answer.

ISO 9001:2008 certified, Manifest Marketing Limited (MM) is a Hong Kong based corporation that has been in operation since 1999. With a history of experience in handling security and safety concerns, it has worked with many organizations, establishments, events and individuals by delivering quality services and sophisticated hi-tech equipment. MM holds various certificates and licenses: Irradiating Apparatus License, Radio Dealer License, Hong Kong Government Supplier, ISO 9001:2008 certified company and not to mention its partnership with HTCIA and ASIS.

Nothing gets under Blighter’s radar in Asia

In Hong Kong, BLIGHTER Asset Management System is used by commercial buildings, airport, casinos, exhibitions halls, prestigious hotels asset protection, multi-million dollar homes. Available in Asia from Manifest Marketing, BLIGHTER comprises of tracking system: tag ID, base station, charging station, graphic software, integrated workstation and e-scan ground surveillance radar that works for accurate, short and medium range, asset and personnel location and identification. Watch a video demo of Blighter here .

(if the site allows video embedding use this link)!/video/video.php?v=414237780752

BLIGHTER radar can also be integrated with this security system to detect personnel from intruders by the use of cameras and thermal images. E-scan radars may vary depending on the requirements. John Hirsch, Sales Manager at Blighter’s Asian distributor Manifest Marketing explains, “The Blighter radar is a very effective tool as it is resilient and designed to withstand under extreme environmental conditions: rain, dust, heat, and cold and minimizes false alarm and any other environmental factors in detecting a target”.

PLEXTEK’s BLIGHTER Security System has a partnership with MANIFEST MARKETING in distributing these products in Asia Pacific. MANIFEST MARKETING is based in Hong Kong and is known for specialty communications equipment and security products.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Phonak Communication Device Beats Noise in Asia


From Phonak Communications, the world's leader in wireless earpieces and intelligent hearing protection is Primero DPC. Primero DPC is a new in-ear radio headset with built-in intelligent hearing protection that allows professional teams to communicate in louder noise. Asia Regional Sales Manager at Manifest Marketing John Hirsch explains, "Primero DPC is a phenonmenal boomless radio headset with active hearing protection designed to be used in extreme sound environments and with a guaranteed hearing protection even when there are louder 'impulse' noises such as crashes or shots." Primero DPC comprises of custom-made earshells that offer a very high-level of hearing protection; earjacks; that contains a miniature loudspeaker and two miniature microphones inside-out which pick up user’s voice inside the ear canal with the use of voice intraoral pick-up technology. Using blind source technology or innovative signal processing algorithm, user’s voice and surrounding loud noise are mixed at two different ratios and extracts speech from two incoming signal paths. Noise cancellation is applied for effective transmission via radio link; box that contains the Primero DPC’s electronics and attached to the user’s professional radio system, which connects the user to his team mates.

Primero DPC system is used not only by Formula Teams but also by crowed control teams, SWAT units, construction and industrial plant workers, concert staffs and helicopter rescue teams. Phonak Communication systems are partnered with Manifest Marketing in Asia Pacific for its distribution.

The Pimero DPC is a device Formula 1, crowd control teams, SWAT units, construction and industrial workers, concert staffs and helicopter rescue teams cannot be without All professional teams are exposed to extreme noise conditions and require rapid intervention and speed at work. Thus, requires clear communication and less mistake.

Phonak Communication is distributed in Asia by Manifest Marketing. For more information about their products and services, visit their facebook page:

Monday, June 7, 2010

Asian Securitex 2010 Focus: Scyron’s Demon Suites

(Hong Kong, June 2010)

3333.jpgThis is the 11th Asian Securitex Show and is focused on security, safety and Fire protection. It is being held at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre in Wanchai.

Many of the exhibitors at Securitex are involved in CCTV and related surveillance hardware. Managing digital evidence from CCTVs for private and public sectors such as Law Enforcement, Commercial Security, Transport and Utilities, is extremely important but also painstaking, time-consuming and costly.

Manifest Marketing Works with Scyron - a UK based Developer Software that has produced the most sophisticated analysis Video Software available. Scyron your Software CCTV surveillance systems can shift from a passive, reactive recording device to, instead, a proactive, Advanced tool to aid in incidentprevention. Distributed by Manifest Marketing in Asia, a Hong Kong based company, Demon technology that provides a Collection Easy to use, time-saving and cost-effective.

4444.jpgAmongst the Demon Suite Collection, DEMON Manager, is the recommended Product to facilitate and maintain control of investigations that involve a large amounts of Digital Video material. DEMON Manager allows a Group of authorized users to review and edit effectively and efficiently while Video maintains accurate records of who has edited what component.


Product worth highlighting is another DEMON Server, which has 'meta' Tagging technology therefore speeding up Data identification and retrieval. Users can add 'meta' Data tags to points of INTEREST and access is made to this Data rather than the Video File. Users can access multiple files and multiple files can be accessed by multiple users simultaneously.

For more specialized needs, DEMON Analyse is the perfect solution for intelligently analyzing Digital Video evidence captured during overt and covert surveillance operations as well as public and private Digital Footage from CCTV systems. DEMON Analyse is a Video analytics system that analyzes directly from Disk Video Footage and logs all events in the sequences.

Manifest Marketing will be attending in Hong Kong Asian Securitex 2010 from June 2 - 4, 2010.

For up to date information regarding Scyron and other products Distributed by Manifest Marketing Hong Kong, visit their Facebook Fanpage or their website: