Wednesday, May 26, 2010



凍左咁耐,呢個禮拜終於都feel到夏天o既氣息喇! 又係時候同陽光玩遊戲!


想知點先可以令你o既肌膚o係猛烈陽光下仍能保持最fit狀態? 等我介紹三種由內到外又有效的控油方法俾大家啦!



H2O+ 海洋控油淨化潔面泡沫

2, Bioderma sebium mat

Bioderma呢隻面霜可以吸走多餘油脂,減低油光形成機會亦能有效去除死皮,改善皮膚粗糙,同時預防暗瘡出現 。敷完之後感覺都幾爽,不過吸收度就好似慢o左少少

3, 華洋經絡美肌療法

近年都好興中藥美容, 而天然中藥成份安全得o賴又好適合亞洲人肌膚華洋坊o既經絡美肌療法先以激光, 電滲手法去打通面部穴道再用獨創的經絡膏為客人按摩面部穴位,進一步暢通經絡,促進氣血運行,同時讓皮膚吸收經絡膏多種中藥成份,幫你由內部著手改善皮膚素質從而減少油脂分泌

H2O+: 銅鑼灣世貿中心1樓P125舖 2504 3688
Bioderma: 銅鑼灣皇室堡1樓120號舖 2577 3808
Angus's Beauty Concept: 銅鑼灣謝斐道482號信諾環球保險中心23 樓 2186 6111

Thursday, May 20, 2010

夏日極速美白 ???

夏日極速美白 ???

( 香港, 5月19日)

由於工作關係要成日暴露o係陽光之下, 雖然有用美白同防曬產品但係面同身都係兩截色..o黎緊夏天仲要去沙灘同遊船河點唔知點算!

朋友介紹我去做近年都好hit o既激光美白, 話快見效又keep得耐. 其實都心郁郁想試下, 不過我又細膽, 似終係激光喎..之前睇過o的報導話有風險, 有o的美容院又貴到嚇死人, 於是我就上網search o左好耐, 搵到間叫華洋坊o既醫學美容中心. 講真, 初頭只係俾佢個promotion吸引, 半價試做喎! 但睇o左佢個網頁介紹之後發現佢o地o既美容師都係經過註冊, 部份療程更由執業醫生操刀 , 心諗都應該有保證, 所以上個禮拜我就去o左試佢個激光美白療程喇!

Angus’Beauty Concept 華洋坊半價優待(至5月31日)

開始療程之前美容師先同我詳細講解成個過程, 又同我分析皮膚性質話可以因應我o既皮膚性質同問題選擇唔同激光, 感覺都幾細心! 終於開始做療程喇..真係有o的緊張, 先做深層清潔, 美容師話清乾淨皮膚同毛孔長期積落o黎o既污垢令效果更好. 因為做激光過程都會有少少刺痛, 所以美容師就幫我搽麻醉藥膏, 之後就由專業醫生進行激光美白, 唔知係個醫生手勢好定個儀器先進呢? 開頭諗要搽麻醉藥膏都可能會幾痛, 點知又唔係喎, 成個過程個感覺只係吉吉o地痕痕o地咁! 最後美容師再幫我搽返舒緩液去relax返o的皮膚.


上網都睇過o的人做完激光之後多數都會有紅腫問題, 腫我就冇, 不過塊面就好紅, 有o的擔心於是我就打返去華洋坊問啦, 個醫生好好人好有耐性話紅腫情況大約會維持3-5日, 人個別皮膚性質而又唔同! 個醫生仲叫我記得做足防曬同保濕去保護返皮膚, 因為做完激光皮膚會變得敏感喎!

做完個療程成個禮拜, 退晒紅之餘仲見到成效, 記得醫生講過話做激光美白最好連續做大約3-5次每次最好相隔一個月, 俾時間o的皮膚舒緩返先再做就可以keep到最佳效果!

如果你都想試下安全又可靠o既激光美白, 去華洋坊試下啦!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Touchmedia presents: A closer look at Shanghai Expo 2010

Touchmedia presents: A closer look at Shanghai Expo 2010

Shanghai, China. The biggest buzz in modern Shanghai in May is without a doubt the 2010 World Expo. A few months ago a little over half of surveyed Shanghai residents intended to go, but in recent weeks this has risen dramatically to more than 83 %!!

Touchmedia, the largest in-taxi interactive media in China, today unveiled the results of the interactive Expo survey just completed on 9000 taxi screens in Shanghai. A staggering 1,673,101 e-questionnaires were collected in 4 weeks, as audited by CTR. 83.02% of the passengers stated that they were definitely or likely to visit the Expo. The areas of most interest to them were the Asian and European pavilions. There was also a lot of interest in unique new features such as the “On-line Expo” and “Mobile Tickets.”

New Technology Catches People’s Eyes

As part of its goal to “Make the Expo wonderful, interactive and innovative,” for the first time in history the 2010 Expo will create an On-line Expo. Even before the official starts, this looks like it will be a huge success: 80% of the passengers intend to try it. Another innovation, Mobile Tickets (customers mobile phones will act as an E-wallet), was also well received: 72 % intend to try.

For tickets, 78% of passengers have already either got their ticket or are about to buy and 43% intend to do so by the increasingly popular Online mode. Single Day tickets, Designated Day tickets and Three Day passes were the 3 most popular types.

In-Taxi Interactive Media One of the “4 Main Sources” of Expo Information

TV, the internet, and Touchmedia’s in-taxi interactive screens and newspapers have been the 4 main sources of Expo information, according to the votes.

“In the beginning I knew little about the Expo. After I watched the TV commercials and looked at the interactive flash program in the taxis I had a much better idea about the Green concept and the Expo. I can even be a guide for my friends coming from outside Shanghai.” This comment from one passenger is apparently widely shared. Over 70 % of passengers feel they have learnt about the Expo through Touchmedia and a similar number say that media publicity in general has been important.

Changing Public Behavior: Smile Politely and No Jumping Red Lights

People recognize that their behavior will contribute to the success of the event, a tribute to the government education program. When asked how they will contribute, “To be well dressed and smile politely” was the most common offer. “To obey traffic rules and not jump red lights” was chosen by half the passengers and “To walk left and stand right on busy escalators” also received a lot of votes.

Even the level of participation of passengers in the Touchmedia survey, over 1.6 million in just a few weeks, reflects the public enthusiasm. Micky Fung, the Founder and Chairman of Touchmedia commented, “We were delighted that a record-breaking number of passengers were interested in our Expo survey and are proud of all those who promised their contribution to the Expo’s success. We are committed to playing our part with them.”

About Touchmedia

Touchmedia was founded in 2003, by its Chairman, Micky Fung, with Asian business leaders such as Katherine Yip Geicke as investors and board members. It is the largest in-taxi interactive media company, delivering innovative digital media solutions for clients and the out-of-home advertising industry in China, at a time when reaching affluent consumers on traditional media is increasingly challenging.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Planet Yoga presents: Mother's Day Charity Workshop


All the way from India, monk Swami Maheshananda Saraswati will be travelling to Planet Yoga Hong Kong this Mother's day for a charity workshop. Deep psychic experiences in his youth led him to his Guru Paramhamsa Satyananda and the Bihar School of Yoga, Munger - one of the most respected schools and traditions of yoga in the world. He was initiated into the Dashnami order and lived with his Guru for the customary twelve years, serving his Guru's mission in various capacities. Now, as a wandering yogi, he travels around the world to conduct seminars and workshops on yoga. All workshops are by donation.

Session 1: Introduction to Five Levels of Energy

Date: May 8, 2010 (Sat)

Time: 11:30 – 13:30

Venue: Central Club

We will learn about the yogic concepts of the five dimensions (Kosha) of being, and how we can bring this awareness into asana and pranayama (breathing) practice. The session will include Kirtan (devotional chanting).

Session 2: Chakra points – Achieving our highest potential

Date: May 8, 2010 (Sat)

Time: 14:00 – 16:00

Venue: Central Club

Asana and pranayama practice will be combined with an introduction to the chakra points – psychic points within our bodies which trigger the release of powerful energies. This session provides the foundation for the practices on Sunday.

Session 3: Meditation

Date: May 9, 2010 (Sun)

Time: 11:00 – 15:00

Venue: Central Club

In this meditation technique, which takes us into the second stage of meditation (Dharana), we will focus on powerful symbols connecting us to subtle energies which help to unlock our fullest potential. Kirtan chants will enhance the experience.

*We welcome donation of HK$150 upward to support our efforts to bring advance speaker to Planet Yoga. This will include admission to all sessions.

Call 2525 8288 to reserve your seat now or visit our page at

planet yoga,planet yoga hong kong,mother's  day,charity