Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wheel2Wheel: Vietnam and Animals Asia

On 1 March 2011 Morgan Parker and Simon Lock set off from Hong Kong on a 20,000 km, 100 day, 10 country enduro adventure, Wheel2Wheel. Wheel2Wheel's purpose is to raise money and awareness for charitiable organisations across Asia and Australia. Wheel2Wheel also aims to inspire others to step out of their comfort zone and do more to help others. The 10 country motorbike journey will take them from Hong Kong to Brisbane. After passing through China, Wheel2Wheel will traverse Vietnam putting the spotlight on animal cruelty and the illegal poaching of moon bears for bile extraction in support of Animals Asia.

After crossing the China-Vietnam border, Morgan and Simon will tackle a dangerous 200km ride along the picturesque northern Vietnamese coastline to the beautiful Halong Bay. Here the
Wheel2Wheel Team will witness at close range thousands of amazing limestone pinnacles protruding from the waters at Vietnam’s most famous World Heritage site.

Halong Bay

Cruising down a highway for 150km, the Wheel2Wheel team heads to the charming and historical city of Hanoi. As Wheel2Wheel continues their journey west, the Team will cross the lower ranges of the Tonkinese Alps down into beautiful valleys of classic Vietnamese rice fields.

The wild forests of Vietnam once provided the most nurturing habitats for both the Malayan sun bear and the Asiatic black bear (or moon bear). However, illegal poaching of bears has caused the numbers of both species to decline dramatically. Asiatic black bears and sun bears are now facing total decimation in the wild as a result of the establishment of hundreds of illegal facilities, which keep bears for the extraction of bile.

Founded by Jill Robinson, Animals Asia team have been investigating bear farming in Vietnam since 1999. Today there are 3,410 farmed bears in Vietnam with another 602 captive bears used for display purposes. Animals Asia is in need of help to raise funds for the Moon Bear Rescue Centre in Tam Dao National Park. They are now in the middle of building Phase Two which comprising dens, semi-natural enclosures, and rehabilitation areas for severely disabled bears. They also employ a veterinary team on site, bear managers and local workers - a team of people who will be there to care for the bears for their lifespan of 25 years or more. To stay tuned on all the wonderful things Animals Asia are doing, join their Facebook Page:

About Wheel2Wheel:

Wheel2Wheel is an independent non-profit organisation created by Morgan Parker to raise awareness and provide financial assistance to brilliant yet under-recognised charitable organisations throughout Australasia. Through its innovative approach of visiting these grass-roots organisations during motorbike enduro-adventures, Wheel2Wheel can experience first-hand the deeds and needs of the people on the ground. By harnessing the support of mass media, Wheel2Wheel aims to provide the public with objective insight to the key social, environmental, and humanitarian issues facing the region.

Wheel2Wheel is 100% self funded. All donations through our "Live the Dream" options are channeled back to the 10 charitable organisations.

Find Wheel2Wheel on:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

CLP Green Park Fanpage Montage

What’s a Fanpage without our supportive Fans! Wherever you are talking about CLP Green Park (Twitter, Facebook, RenRen, Weibo, Orkut, Forums) We are listening! Here are some things you wanted to share with us:

Some of you are Tree Huggers.

While a few are excited to play on CLP Green Park Lite Mobile Version on your new iphone 4.

And some of you wanted to share CLP Green Park with your kids!

Thank you to all 47,000 fan across CLP Green Park and the 5 social networking sites! Keep giving us your feedback and share “Love the Earth, Plant a Tree” online Green Campaign and you might end up in our next blog!

Plant a Tree now at:

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wheel2Wheel Motorcycle Journey: Stage 1 Hong Kong

On March 1, 2011 Morgan Parker and Simon Lock start their 20,000 km, 100 day, 10 country journey for charity by taking it one stage at a time. The name of this enduro adventure is Wheel2Wheel. Wheel2Wheel's purpose is to raise money and awareness for 10 charities and non-profit organizations across Asia. The 16 stages on this endurance adventure will take them through 10 countries from Hong Kong to Brisbane. This is a trip that most of us would only dream about.

Wheel2Wheel is 100% self funded. All Donations through "Live the Dream" options is channeled back to the 10 Charities.

Stage one of the trip starts in beautiful Hong Kong. A gem of a city sitting in the South China Sea. Despite its beauty it has terrible problems. Over crowding creates hazardous air pollution levels. Wheel2Wheel has selected Clean Air Network as their Hong Kong Charity.

Clean Air Network (CAN) is an independent NGO which aims to encourage the public to speak out about the health impacts of air pollution. Donations can be made directly to CAN or by sponsoring Wheel2Wheel through "Live the Dream" options. 100% of the profits from Live the Dream will go back to the 10 charities. Find out more about CAN on their website, Facebook or on Twitter.

After settng off on their BMW F800GS motorbikes from BMW Concessionaires (HK) Limited Morgan Parker and Simon Lock will leave Hong Kong and travel north, the noise and pollution of the city slips away and rural land and forests dominate the landscape. There is nothing but open road on the way to the China border. What lies ahead is an adventure waiting to unfold.

About Wheel2Wheel:

Wheel2Wheel is an independent non-profit organisation which aims to raise awareness and provide financial assistance to brilliant yet under-recognised charities throughout Australasia. Through its innovative approach of visiting these grass-roots charities during motorbike enduro-adventures, Wheel2Wheel can experience first-hand the deeds and needs of the people on the ground. By harnessing the support of mass media, Wheel2Wheel aims to provide the public with objective insight to the key social, environmental, and humanitarian issues facing the region.

Find Wheel2Wheel on:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

華洋坊破天荒注射BOTOX或 RESTYLANE低至75折

每逄接近年尾,都是各女士大出血的時候,一來各大商店開始ON SALE,女士們趕緊為冬季置裝,而且12月聖誕節及除夕會有很多party,女士們都希望打扮得漂亮迎聖誕!說到扮靚,當然不能不算面部和身體護理在內,好好護理自己的皮膚,除了facial,還有注射BOTOX或 RESTYLANE以改善面部輪廓及撫平皺紋。因為效果即時顯著,而且持久自然,所以現在深受女士們歡迎。

BOTOX即是肉毒桿菌,是一種肌肉神經傳導阻隔劑,可用以放鬆肌肉,舒解臉部皺紋,讓肌膚回復平滑有緻。適用於改善國字面輪廓提升提升眼眉部位 修塑小腿撫平皺紋 (如:額紋 / 魚尾紋 / 眉心紋)及治療多汗症。而RESTYLANE的主要成份是透明質酸,是一種天然存在於人體包括皮膚組織內的物質,是安全有效的填充劑,可用以改善面部輪廓撫平皺紋。有效改善面部輪廓補濕美白面部緊膚撫平皺紋(如虎紋、唇紋、眉心紋等) 輪廓塑造豐體領域。

華洋坊已早於十一月推出華洋坊醫學美容秋季大賞,只需簡單步驟,到華洋坊FACEBOOK簡單登記閣下email,華洋坊即送你低至75折優惠,優惠包括:以75折優惠注射BOTOX或 RESTYLANE或以$300換購激光面部護法(任選其一)。

千載難逢的機會不要錯過!大家快趁年尾節目表排得滿滿前把自己整妝待發吧!如有興趣,詳情可致電2186 6111或瀏覽華洋坊Facebook

Thursday, November 11, 2010

醫學美容微整形 之Restylane抗皺

近年最流行的微整形醫學美容療程除了肉毒桿菌 (botox)便一定要數透明質酸 (Restylane)除著愈來愈多的明星追棒愛美的OL亦開始加入微整形的行列透明質酸 (Restylane)所針對的皺紋是靜態紋, 主要靠填充靜態紋令其得以改善,( 即在臉部毫無表情時也會出現的皺紋,而非由於面部肌肉收縮而引致的)例如: 法令紋、 魚尾紋、唇邊幼紋、笑紋、焦慮紋等等。

不用開刀的微整形手術一直是很多女士所響往的,因為可減低風險問題。而隋著種種不同的注射式美容,如矽膠注射, 風險仍然是有的, 而透明質酸 (Restylane)是人體裡已有的物質是一種天然的物質所以當應用於注射式微整形時基本上風險比其他的更低!當然於注射前應咨詢醫生的意見以確保萬無一失

注射透明質酸 (Restylane)一般都只能維持6-9個月如要維持就要再次注射相比永久性的植入式改造風險會較低而且因為透明質酸 (Restylane)是天然的物質相對性侵略性較低而且復完時間短亦因為不是永久性倘若不滿意效果透明質酸 (Restylane)會在體內被慢慢吸收及慢慢流失, 不用好像傳統的整形手術般,需求做還完手術所以這亦是透明質酸 (Restylane)的優勝之處。


如有興趣,詳情可致電2186 6111或瀏覽華洋坊Facebook

Thursday, November 4, 2010




Restylane的主要成份是透明質酸(Hyaluronic Acid),亦稱玻尿酸。透明質酸是一種天然存在於人體包括皮膚組織內的物質。Restylane與人體內的透明質酸相近度超過99%,達至高度相容性。Restylane能有效減少幼紋、法令紋及皺紋,改善輪廓,使臉部變得豐滿,並強化肌膚的結構。而提升鼻樑和注射蘋果肌是也是很受歡迎的一種!!因為Restylane的功效並非永久!所以女士們只要暫停注射就會消失而隨時退出!而想keep住的亦只需到功效消失時再注射做可維持漂亮的臉孔!

如有興趣,詳情可致電2186 6111或瀏覽華洋坊Facebook

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

向包包面say goodbye!


BOTOX是一種天然純化的蛋白質,亦是目前唯一獲美國食物及藥物管理局(FDA) 及香港衛生署核准於美容用途上的肉毒桿菌素A型,由於它也是一種肌肉神經傳導阻隔劑,可用以放鬆肌肉,舒解臉部皺紋,讓肌膚回復平滑有緻。BOTOX醫學上已被應用了十多年,經全球數百萬人廣泛使用治療,其安全性和有效性均已得到證實。

雖然注射BOTOX 改善皺紋情況已非常普遍但其實除了治療動態紋外 注射BOTOX對於改善包包面(咀嚼咀嚼肌發達)已亦愈黎愈普遍!注射BOTOX一般可維持半年若效果消失了可再注射keep住爪子臉還不快向您的包包面講byebye?


如有興趣,詳情可致電2186 6111或瀏覽華洋坊Facebook

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Botox VS 去皺護膚品?

皺紋一直是女士們的大敵皺紋最易暴露了女士的年齡所以很多女士一直想辦法延緩皺紋的出現現在坊間有很多品牌都標榜去皺的功效功效可能只是或需要較長的時間才能見成果如果只是抗那已經走了出來的皺紋怎麼? 又如果遇著有party要出席, 或要準備結婚了, 有沒有想過在短時間內移走那令人感覺老化的皺紋?

現在botox已被廣泛應用於醫學美容上 botox已是非常普遍的事情可能還有可能還有少數人怕打針、怕有後遺症,但基本上只要你找一個合資格的醫生,不會有任何後遺症,打botox真是輕易不過!

Botox是一種天然純化的蛋白質,亦是目前唯一獲美國食物及藥物管理局(FDA) 及香港衛生署核准於美容用途上的肉毒桿菌素A型,由於它也是一種肌肉神經傳導阻隔劑,可用以放鬆肌肉,舒解臉部皺紋,讓肌膚回復平滑有緻。保妥適在醫學上已被應用了十多年,經全球數百萬人廣泛使用治療,其安全性和有效性均已得到證實。保妥適注射的療程包括:改善國字面、輪廓提升、提升眼眉部位、修塑小腿、撫平皺紋 (如:額紋 / 魚尾紋 / 眉心紋)、治療多汗症!


現在華洋坊推出了十月新優惠 只要2人同行即享75折優惠!!如果你找不到朋友,只要致電到華洋坊,還會有專人立即幫你配對!享受75折優惠

如有興趣,詳情可致電(852) 2186 1111或瀏覽華洋坊Facebook

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fun Fund Raising for Environmental Education Programs

CLP is supporting environmental education programs in the Asia Pacific Region and they would like your help. No need to rattle boxes at strangers on street corners as you can do this from the comfort of your own home! CLP have created a fun online eco game that anyone can play, just click here:

In this amazing virtual world you can create your own avatar and plant a tree. For every virtual tree planted CLP will donate HK$5 to green projects.

How will this money be spent?

In Hong Kong the funds will go to The Conservancy Association for their environmental education project which includes training hundreds of students and members of the public to become “Eco-protectors” and tree planting activities on school campuses. Funds in Australia will support a community open day for 250 students as well as online publicity to reach a population of 25,000. The Centre for Environmental Education in India will be teaching about 20,000 students and teachers about conserving biodiversity and planting about the same number of trees!

Once you’ve joined Green Park we would love it if you would invite your family and friends to participate too as we wouldn’t want you to get lonely! Also as we hit specific virtual tree planting targets exciting things will start to happen in the park. To find out what, you need to visit

Green living has just been made so fun and easy!

Become a Facebook fan or follow us on Twitter:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

大眼mama推薦 - 無針人體胎盤素導入的療程

香港一直有好多有名氣既beauty bloggers!他們的身份可能係80後的年青人,可能係OL,但其實已為人母的媽媽Bloggers亦非常受歡迎!!因為當媽媽生完bb後,她的荷爾 蒙會有小小的轉變,加上皮膚會特別敏感,所以她們需要特別的護理!一直好鍾意上網睇一d 媽媽blogger既product用後感一黎太多product服務實在不能夠一一去試而且本人皮膚特別敏感,所以媽媽bloggers試用過就可以知道多d product既特性同埋好處!最近因為開始轉季好想去搵d treatment做下為自己既肌膚打定底但係坊間有咁多不同的treatment邊一種最適合自己呢?唯有上網睇下有冇d咩好介紹!!

俾我發現左一個人氣beauty blogger - 大眼MAMA岩岩試完一個treatment的試後感:嘩~問你驚唔驚之~人體胎盤素 做 facial~ 一睇個名諗住睇下有咩facial咁得人驚
人體胎盤素黎做facial!點知睇睇下發現原來依個treatment叫做無針人體胎盤素導入的療程 係起銅鑼灣華洋坊Angus Beauty Concept做既華洋坊係香港首間薈萃中西美容概念的醫學美容中心!一睇到都已經好想試!因為華洋坊將先進既西方醫學美容技術,結合中醫內在調理的基本一次過調理外在同內在!!人體胎盤素其實就是中藥所指既「紫河車」,早起秦始皇時期已經有人作為藥用所以並唔係我地諗得咁得人驚只係因為人胎兩個字一直令人望而卻步


好啦!!既然大眼MAMA既comment咁好!我都事不宜遲,即刻打去 (852) 2186 1111 book個位先!

如果你地都有興趣,詳情可致電2186 6111或瀏覽華洋坊Facebook

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Intensified Vision Equipment Now Possible With Kite In Asia Through Manifest Marketing!

Qioptiq Limited is the world-renowned producer of Kite, a high quality intensified night vision equipment. The Kite’s line of products is now available in Asia through Manifest Marketing and continues to deliver its quality products worldwide.

Amidst battlefields or any operations requiring intensified vision, weapon sights are very important. Weapon sights are specialized equipments where night and medium range vision are possible for surveillance and target engagement. This kind of equipment is mostly needed by armies and policemen for everyday operations. Manifest Marketing of Hong Kong started to offer this line of product in Asia and continues to offer other quality products from Qioptiq Limited, the producer of Kite. To learn more about their products, here are some of the notable products to consider in terms of short to long range vision equipments:


Kite is lightweight and compact night vision equipment currently used by more than 50 countries worldwide. It has 4x magnification and is suitable to use for short to medium range weapons. It can operate even under lowlight conditions and capable of up to nine degrees field of view. It uses two 1.5V AA batteries that can last up to 70 hours of continuous usage.

Maxikite-1 and Maxikite-2

These two equipments are also compact and lightweight in nature. They have 6x magnification and suitable for medium to long range and large caliber weapons. Maxikite-1 and Maxikite-2 use two 1.5V AA batteries for continuous 40 hours usage. Particularly, Maxikite-1 is suitable for 7.62 and 12.7 (0.5) caliber weapons and can use interface brackets in order to mount it in different weapons. On the other hand, Maxikite-2 is good for 7.62 and .50/12.7 caliber weapons and suitable as well for interface brackets.


These lightweight and compact monocular intensified vision equipments are good to use for short to long range surveillance. KOS has x4 magnification at 9° field of view while MAXICOS has x6 magnification at 5.5° field of view. These two equipments both have ruggedized design and can operate even under lowlight conditions. Both uses two 1.5V AA batteries and user controls are limited to on/off switch and objective focus.

With Kite’s line of products from Qioptiq Limited, intensified short up to long range night vision equipments are definitely possible. Just make sure to find the right Kite equipment compatible for your weapon in order to ensure fully intensified vision for different operations!

To know more about Kite from Qioptiq Limited, just add Manifest Marketing on Facebook and Twitter in order to get the latest updates from them.

Scyron - Enjoy The Benefits Of Automated Video Management Through Manifest Marketing in Asia!

Scyron specializes in delivering detailed outputs from intensive video analysis. Their lines of software are experts in digital evidence management, analysis and presentation that are highly recommended for security purposes. Currently, it is now available in Asia through Manifest Marketing!

Scyron has solutions for every video analysis needs. From surveillance up to presentation, the company can handle different technical video needs through their lines of software. In general, they have two innovative IT products – the Darc Ware and Demon Suite. Both of these products aim to provide top quality video solution especially for security purposes and fortunately, these products are made more reachable across Asia through Manifest Marketing, a distributing company from Hong Kong. But why would you choose Scyron over other IT companies? Take note of the following:

Get Organized

Video surveillance, management, analysis and presentation are one of the most complex tasks around. With Scyron’s lines of software, these tasks are made easier to do in a more organized way than you could ever expect from other software around. Scyron’s Darc and Demon software can deliver outputs in an organized report so anyone could understand it. The events in the final report are also tagged up to 10 areas of interests in each time frame, so it would be easy to review particular events without the need to reanalyze the entire footage.

Save Money

With Scyron’s automated software, you don’t need to spend hours on manual way of editing, reviewing and analyzing long videos for security purposes. Therefore, you don’t need to pay for long hours spent in various video tasks as Scyron’s software can do all the tasks in a short time.

Increased Productivity

Since the need for manual video tasks are eliminated and the time for video analysis is shortened, productivity is definitely increased. As every video is analyzed quickly, actions can be made quickly as well. And because the software is automated, human errors are also eliminated from the software’s video report so the need for extensive review for possible errors is not needed thus, giving more time for other tasks in order to increase everyone’s productivity.

With Scyron’s benefits in saving time, money and effort in various video tasks, it is highly recommended by experts worldwide. Get it at Manifest Marketing where it is made easier to purchase. Now you can find specifically designed software for every video task you need!

Just add Manifest Marketing in Facebook and Twitter so you can always get the latest updates about Scyron.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Leading Industry Solution for Law Enforcement and Corrections Officers - Mawashi R4-3 Suit

Mawashi R4-3 Suit by Manfest Marketing

Mawashi R4-E Suit is a Personal Protective Equipment Crowd Management/ Correctional Suit of Mawashi Protective Clothing Inc. which is distributed in Asia by Manifest Marketing , Hong Kong.

Mawashi Protective Clothing Inc is a leading developer and manufacturer of personal protective equipment for law enforcement, correctional service, and military users and the challenging environments they work in.

Mawashi R4-E Suit delivers unprecedented flexibility, cooling, comfort, and coveralls to law enforcement and corrections officers in conjunction with being the first blunt impact protection PPE that meets the impact attenuation criteria of the recently released performance standard CAN/CSA Z617-06. This exceptional combination of protection and function makes Mawashi R4-E Suit the industry leading solution for law enforcement and corrections officers directly such as civil disturbances, cell extractions, riot control, violent inmate disturbances, and other emergency response operations.


Mawashi R4-E Suit has a full range-of-motion and complete ease-of-motion which is specially designed for the wearers to easily move the shoulder, elbow, mid-section, and knee. Wearers who tried the suit say “it is so flexible, it feels like you’re not wearing anything”.


Mawashi R4-E Suit has a highly effective mesh-ventilation layer throughout the arm and leg regions to help with cooling the wearer and reduce heat stress effects.


Mawashi R4-E Suit has high level of standby comfort which is easy and fast to don and doff upper assembly and lower assembly.


Mawashi R4-E Suit is a flame resistant coverall which has an optional blood-borne pathogen resistant coverall.

For more information about Mawashi R4-E Suit , please visit our website Manifest Marketing, HongKong, or our Facebook and Twitter pages.